Red Still Life
Red Still Life 19"x 22" Oil on Linen / 1991
Where Have All The Ducks Gone?
Where Have All The Ducks Gone? 22"x 24" Oil on Linen / 1991
Mothers' Day
Mothers' Day 30"x 36" Oil on Linen / 1990 / SOLD*(commission)
Before Mothers' Day
Before Mothers' Day 24"x 30" Oil on Linen / 1990 / SOLD
Youngest Berest
Youngest Berest 14"x 17" Conté on Paper / 1991
Asleep 30"x 36" Oil on Canvas / 1991
Beauty and Philosophy
Beauty and Philosophy 36"x 48" Oil on Linen / 1991
Bloomfield 13"x 16" Oil on Canvas, Mounted on Wood / 1990
The Frisbee Game
The Frisbee Game 15"x 19" Oil on Linen / 1990
Letting The Days Go By (Self Portrait)
Letting The Days Go By (Self Portrait) 28"x 34" Oil on Linen / 1990
The Runner
The Runner 36"x 48" Oil on Masonite / 1989
Deacon 2-hour Sculpture Life Study / Clay (water-based) / 1991
Weeping Bob
Weeping Bob 14"x 17" Oil on Linen / 1991 / SOLD
Un-reclining Nude
Un-reclining Nude 29"x 36" Oil on Canvas / 1990
Self Portrait With Hats
Self Portrait With Hats 30"x 36" Oil on Canvas / 1989
Grandma's Kitchen
Grandma's Kitchen 20"x 24" Oil on Masonite / 1988
Self Portrait With Cezanne's Wall Paper
Self Portrait With Cezanne's Wall Paper 17"x 22" Oil on Linen / 1990
Henry's Favorite
Henry's Favorite 12"x 15" Oil on Masonite / 1990
Big Tablet (Self Portrait)
Big Tablet (Self Portrait) 48"x 60" Oil on Masonite / 1989 / SOLD
Self Study
Self Study 12"x 13" Oil on Masonite / 1990
Figure Study
Figure Study 24"x 28" Oil on Canvas / 1990
Ringside 36"x 48" Oil on Masonite / 1990

hArtford School   1987 - 1991 

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